Shawnda over at The Brewer and the Baker has done some UH-MAZING burgers. Like, totally amazing. It's actually her fault that we're having (what I consider) gourmet burgers every single week.
And "fault" is a fairly strongish word. It's more like inspiration. More like - imitation. I'm okay with not having an original thought of my own. Why would I need it? When incredible women like Shawnda exist! lol
But seriously. She has made burgers an absolute art on her blog.
This is the first burger from Shawnda's blog that I ever had the pleasure of stuffing into my pie-hole.
In a medium sized pot, combine the wine and brown sugar and stir until the sugar is dissolved, then bring to a boil. Reduce to 6 tablespoons. Let cool to room temperature.
Although we've previously discussed the perfect hamburger patty, this burger is a little different, so we're going to be following exactly along with Shawnda's recipe. In a mixing bowl combine the beef, salt,
A few dashes Worcestershire sauce,
And 1/4 cup of the red wine reduction.
Go ahead and form the beef mixture into patties. This recipe makes 3 burgers. Make the patties a little larger than your bun, put a thumbprint into the center of the patty. The burgers will be a little delicate - just keep that in mind.
Cook on medium-high heat on the grill for 4 - 5 minutes on each side. If you cut open the patty to check for doneness (please don't do this!), the meat will look pink/red because of the wine reduction.
Top with whatever toppings blow your skirt up, but I HIGHLY recommend caramelized onions, bacon, and parmesan cheese.
And when I say "HIGHLY recommend", I mean absolutely use those toppings.
You also don't really need to worry about a sauce, as the remaining 2 tablespoons of reduction are going to get drizzled all over this pile of foodie happiness.. Which I clearly forgot about when taking these pictures.
Whew. Hey. Hey you beautiful burger. Rawr.
Isn't that gorgeous? I'm happy just thinking about them!
Super fancy-schmancy, I would totally serve them when I'm trying to impress. Perfect for a date. Or any time you wanna get fancy. Fancy-schmancy.
Oh! And feel free to use whatever kind of red wine you'd like. But don't cheap out. If you won't drink it, don't cook with it. That's the rule.
And if you're wondering how to caramelize onions, it's pretty easy - it just takes a little patience. Truthfully, it takes forever, but it's seriously worth it. I'll include some instructions below. And please. PLEASE! Don't turn up the heat to make them cook faster. They'll burn and then you'll be all "what's the BD about caramelized onions?". (I put them on everything. No really.)
Enjoy these amazing burgers - I know I did for sure!
xoxo - Heather