Saturday, 23 April 2011

Confusing Myself

As I've been going along in the blogging world - other people's blogs are a WONDERFUL wealth of recipes and I'm very thankful that I can copy and paste and give credit where it's due - I've realised that maybe/perhaps I've been attacking my blogs in the wrong way???

How should my blog be?  What should it look like.  How much to talk about in one blog?  And because I have a tendency to veer completely off topic in order to come back to my original point, and that's completely a "Heather-thing", do I try to avoid that?  

I've noticed that the majority of people (with the exception of my most favorite Life in An RV blog) focus on one "creation" at a time - with lots of pictures, or a few pictures or whatever.  And I admire these folks that take the time to take pictures of each step, because it REALLY helps me learn what consistencies to look for and helps me to be more brave in the kitchen.

I suppose there's no actual "proper" way to blog - to each their own and I can stick to my mantra "just let me do whatever I want".  But I really want this to be somewhat entertaining and interesting so reading it isn't like watching paint dry.

I started taking pictures of my final products (I always remember to take pictures of the baked goods!), but regularly forget to take pictures during the process or pictures of the finished product of a "regular" meal.  I generally blog throughout the week, saving drafts so that I can add to them and edit them at the end of the week.  But I haven't taken the time to figure out how to post pictures, mostly that's why there aren't any.... 

So - with that in mind - I'm making myself a promise.  Be more diligent about taking pictures and downloading them to the PC (which I'm a total slacker about) and loading them into the blog before I publish. 

I suppose that this blog will grow and evolve into a format that I like at some point, although I'm comfortable with the way it's done now....  So we'll see.

That's my random thought for today.

This is the Cane Girl - signing off.

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